9.9 National Freight Strategic Plan

  1. Safe, reliable, and efficient freight transportation boosts exports, enhances commerce, and powerseconomic growth. Our robust national multimodal freight system supports our economy by lowering costs to businesses and consumers and boosting the competitiveness of American goods abroad. The safe and efficient movement of goods through our freight system is a top priority for the U.S Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT).

  2. This National Freight Strategic Plan defines the U.S. DOT’s vision and goals for the national multimodal freight system, assesses the conditions and performance of the freight system and barriers to freight system performance, and defines strategies to achieve its vision and goals. The Plan was developed through a multiagency effort involving extensive consultation with freight stakeholders in both the public and private sectors.

  3. The Department will use this Plan to guide national freight policy, programs, initiatives, and investments; inform State freight plans; identify freight data and research needs; and provide a framework for increased cross-sector, multijurisdictional, and multimodal coordination and partnerships.